Dallas Animal Services Links

Please note this website is not affiliated with or run by Dallas Animal Services. DLB is posting this information as a helpful assist to fellow volunteers, fosters, and the public. Links last updated OCTOBER 2024.
This article is a compilation of valuable links to the Dallas City Animal Shelter's various data spots, designed to help readers easily access essential information and contribute to saving lives.
• DAS = Dallas Animal Services
• DLB = Dallas Love Bugs
In this Blog Post Article:
SECTION 1 Animal Status
SECTION 2 Need Help
SECTION 3 Stats & Data
SECTION 4 Volunteering
SECTION 5 Fostering
SECTION 6 Existent Vols/Fosters
🐾 SECTION 1: For the PUBLIC, Interested in Reviewing Available Pets
This is the DAS website. All available animals will appear here. There are a few sorting options such as Type of Animal, Location (shelter, foster), Size, and Age. I do not recommend sorting by Size/Age as that information is often not tagged or incorrectly tagged! If you do not see an animal you expect to be there, reasons may include:
- Animal has been adopted
- Animal is rescue/foster only
- Animal is SAC (suspected animal cruelty, ongoing investigation)
- Admin error (if you are fostering and the animal is not live, contact DAS foster dept)
- Ransomware haunting or other tech issue (please check again in a few hours)
Formerly PetHarbor, this website which sometimes has further information on a pet's status. If you have the animal's ID, for example, #A1234567 you may search that way.
The above link jumps to the DAS Contact Page. If you are inquiring about an animal in a timely manner...
- The slower way : dasadopt@dallas.gov Put Name & ID number in email subject
- The faster way : Visit the shelter
This is the DLB article with information, as approved by DAS MGMT, with the current process as of Summer 2024.
🐾 SECTION 2: For the PUBLIC, Looking for Help With An Animal
These are links to pages on the DAS Website. Please click all over the site, as needed, for further support. There are also many resources outside the shelter to get help with your pet, a stray, or wild animal.
🐾 SECTION 3: For Anyone Looking For Animal Stats and Data
This is published every morning with the previous day's statistics.
These are "pre-lab" animals which means they have been approved for euthanasia ("EU"). EU decisions are made daily according to intake VS outcomes VS available kennel space. If a pet has an ADOPTION or RTO (return to owner) outcome, that will show over their photo on this page. If a rescue tags or they go to a DAS foster they will disappear from this Urgent website page.
→ DAS D90 MVP (most vulnerable pets) FACEBOOK GROUP
This Dallas Animal Services Facebook page will have more information on the Urgent Pets (those with a euthanasia deadline for space, medical, or behavior). Photos, videos, and full notes are some info which can be found by searching for the pet's ID# (#A) and/or name. PLEASE NOTE that there are many non-staff run "urgent DAS animals" facebook pages - these may or may not have accurate or most current information. Please always ensure you are communicating with official staff for official information when taking action for an animal.
This is the 2023-2025 fiscal year public database with coded information about the animals. It updates overnight so same-day data is not available here. I do not recommend getting into this database unless you are familiar with DAS operations, coding, and pathways. The other spots listed above will be much easier to understand. NOTE: There is a period in the fall, each year, when the fiscal data year rolls over and this database is not updating for weeks or longer. We just have to wait until the new data set is online!
If an animal has just disappeared from the DAS website (via the Adopets feed) you can check here, with their ID# for possible additional tag info.Use the ID# to search and there may be "adoption pending" or other info, there!
🐾 SECTION 4: For Those Interested in Volunteering
This is the Dallas Animal Services website page with information and instructions on volunteering. You will register then go through orientation and training.
This is the DLB article explaining what Compassion Fatigue is, how to best avoid it, and how to know when it has hit.
This is a DLB article with suggestions on how to balance the emotional toll alongside the valuable work of volunteering with rescue animals.
🐾 SECTION 5: For Those Interested in Fostering
This is the DLB article with all DAS links and steps to get started. This article also includes additional information about slow, controlled introductions when bringing a new animal home. Following recommended protocols will best set up the new animals, resident animals, and resident people for success.
This is the Foster Info page on the DAS website - there is also a link to this in the above DLB-expanded version!
This is a public Trello board which lists some foster opportunities for specific animals. Sometimes it is kept more updated than other times but is a good starter spot. Here you can find The DAS Foster Handbook, see Ticket To Ride Transport dogs, Foster Sitting needs, and more.
This is the link for a foster inquiry. You will need to register as a foster, first, at the top link in this section.
🐾 SECTION 6: For Existent Fosters and Volunteers
This is where to add notes about a dog or cat you interacted with, at the shelter.
This is the facebook group for active DAS volunteers. You will be verified before approved to join. If you are an active foster, request to join. If you are not added within a few days - please email the volunteer team to be sure they add you! This is the spot to learn about opportunities, ask peer-to-peer questions, share stories, and get reminders about volunteer town halls.
This is a page on the DAS website which is robust with DAS Foster information, best practices, dog/cat behavior help, and myriad links fosters need to make appointments, get medical help with foster pets, etc.
This is the facebook group for active DAS fosters. You will be verified before approved to join. If you are an active foster, request to join. If you are not added within a few days - please email the foster team to be sure they add you! This is the spot to learn about adoption events, find foster sitters, ask for peer help with issues, get reminders about foster town halls, etc!
This is a Google Drive to send info, photos, and video so DAS can make a post for your foster on social media! You may also email daspio@dallas.gov with animal name, ID number, details, and photos.
This is a DLB article with tips on how to promote your foster pet so they are more visible and appealing to adopters!
FOSTERS!! You may update your foster's online photos yourself, in the backend of Adopets. Bios must be sent to dasbios@dallas.gov
Looking for more information? Poke around the Dallas Animal Services website! Google is your friend! Ask in the DAS Foster or Volunteer Facebook Groups (you must be an active foster/volunteer to join these groups)! Thanks for helping rescue animals!