Stephanie M. Casey

Stephanie M. Casey

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Founder and Content Creator, Dallas Love Bugs

A 30-year creative media production professional - I have worked coast-to-coast as a leader developing creative, honing systems with major motion pictures studios, creating online communities, scaling events, and streamlining ops in a variety of communications realms.

Dallas Love Bugs is an accidental invention which grew naturally from my animal rescue volunteerism. This work utilizes a beautiful conglomeration of my skills to serve a purpose, carving out solutions for change.

Every person models behavior for their friends, family, and community

We've domesticated dogs (and cats) over generations - we owe them the respect and care we made them need.

The United States euthanizes approximately one million dogs and cats, annually. We must control breeding and greatly increase spay and neuter to curb production. Cultural sentiment is often, "pets are disposable "- this needs to change. Part of making that change is humans learning how to dog, properly. The dogs learn our language, readily - we need to understand theirs so we may live copacetically with them! Luckily, change is possible.

Let's Fix It!